Hi everyone I need help! And a lot of it. For the past few months I've been battling stick tight fleas. Which has significantly improved. But now I have another issue. I left for the weekend and now my flock has uri symptoms? Rattling breathing, coughing and sneezing. Lethargic seeming. All drinking and decreased in appetite but still lightly eating. I started tiagard on Tuesday and now one of my hens can't walk. She's poofed up and when she stands or tries to walk the stumbles and falls over. My oldest bird is 1.5 yrs old and youngest in the pen being 5 mths old. I have 2 smaller babies near by and started them on the same treatment just in case. But I'm stumped. I've had nothing but issues since starting again and it's getting frustrating. Also in case anyone needs to know there's a total of 24 birds including 1 turkey who thinks she is a chicken.