I need opinions asap about type of feed!

Plus tax :rant.
I might not be able to keep my rooster. 🙁 He eats plenty but doesn’t even lay eggs.
Reading through this thread, I have a question. Some of y'all say calcium is no good for roosters. Will the roosters not eat the oyster shells?

Also, sorry to bump an old thread but a post in this thread was linked to me in one of my recent threads so I thought I'd ask here instead of starting a new thread about it.
Reading through this thread, I have a question. Some of y'all say calcium is no good for roosters. Will the roosters not eat the oyster shells?

Also, sorry to bump an old thread but a post in this thread was linked to me in one of my recent threads so I thought I'd ask here instead of starting a new thread about it.
No they won't, I've never had a rooster eat oyster shell.
Reading through this thread, I have a question. Some of y'all say calcium is no good for roosters. Will the roosters not eat the oyster shells?

Also, sorry to bump an old thread but a post in this thread was linked to me in one of my recent threads so I thought I'd ask here instead of starting a new thread about it.
I have one that does, but I wonder if it's because he's older than dirt and his bones need a little more than he's getting from the feed. It's just my guess as generally, roosters will not eat oyster shell.
Reading through this thread, I have a question. Some of y'all say calcium is no good for roosters. Will the roosters not eat the oyster shells?

Also, sorry to bump an old thread but a post in this thread was linked to me in one of my recent threads so I thought I'd ask here instead of starting a new thread about it.
Mike, chickens explore the world with their beaks. Its quite possible the rooster will try some oyster shell, just to figure out what it is - then realizing he doesn't need it, will ignore it from then on. Chickens are reasonably good, on average, at regulating their calcium intake, given the choice.

Unless its "that one guy", because there is always "that one guy" (or girl) - in nature, they'd likely get weeded out, and not successfully pass on their genes to subsequent generations - but modern birds are a few steps removed from their feral ancestors.

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