I really need your help chick ID experts!

They look like typical Jersey Giant chicks. :) You mention that they seem small and also they were kept in poor condition before you got them. Keep food in front of them and hopefully it will counter their rough start. Jersey Giants grow very slowly and eat a ton. I try not to evaluate mine too much between 6-10 months of age because they go through a lanky phase. I have been on the verge of culling small birds only to go out one day when they are 10 months or so and it looks like a completely different bird.
Honestly those things are the size of my australorps were at this age!
A difference between Jersey giants and black Australorps is that black Australorps have a lot of pink on the bottom of their feet, however I knew yours weren't Australorps because the bottoms of their feet were yellow. I'm so happy/surprised I guessed it! I was gonna say white jersey giant for the others but they seemed a bit gray to me in the pic. Maybe it was just the lighting🤔
I'm not sure why the Jersey giants have copper markings.... maybe there was leakage from one of the breeds it was bred with?


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