Solved I take it this site doesn't have any Save feature?

When I'm typing a reply on my desktop computer, I see a row of little things above where I'm typing. If I click on the one that looks like a disk, it saves what I typed. Unless I delete it, that reply will be there waiting for me, every time I come back to the page while logged in.
It does auto save but it's not quite 100%. I do have times where I lose what I've typed but I haven't tested to see why sometimes fails even though it usually works.

If I'm writing a completely new post I usually write it on something like Word or Notepad and then copy/paste.
When I'm typing a reply on my desktop computer, I see a row of little things above where I'm typing. If I click on the one that looks like a disk, it saves what I typed. Unless I delete it, that reply will be there waiting for me, every time I come back to the page while logged in.
I'm on a desktop and didn't even realize that "Save Draft" button was there. 👀

Maybe my unsent replies are always there because I never log out? I just close the BYC window, open it later or the next day and I'm already logged in. That would explain why I went to a live thread a week later and saw at the bottom that I had a reply I'd never sent.
I just lost 20 minutes worth of typing (pecking).
Just wondering before I start all over.
This has happened to me a couple times. I'm not entirely sure what I did, but now I take the precaution of writing any extra long message somewhere else and copying it here, just to be on the safe side. I'm sorry this happened to you - it's frustrating, for sure!
Where were you trying to post? Go there and refresh your screen.

Thanks. That's the first thing I did. But I've noticed my screen rarely can be refreshed without stopping what is trying to load first. I hit the X, then hit Refresh and it was still gone.
Then I hit back/return, then forward again. No joy.
Not sure why it disappeared, but could not find it.
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This has happened to me a couple times. I'm not entirely sure what I did, but now I take the precaution of writing any extra long message somewhere else and copying it here, just to be on the safe side. I'm sorry this happened to you - it's frustrating, for sure!

Maybe that's what I ought to do from now one.

But I was so in the mood... :lau
The words were a flowin'.

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