I thought Cream Legbar…


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2024
Hi all! This gal laid her first egg today. To my surprise - it was brown! The lady that I purchased her from told me she was a Starlight Green Egger, but with that crest and coloring I felt fairly confident she was a Crested Cream Legbar. (The family I purchased from are good friends and new to the chicken raising world. This hen was a hatching egg they purchased from someone else. So parentage not truly known.)

Regardless! It surprised me to find a brown egg. I know it was her as she was the last of my laying girls in the box this AM. Either way she’s beautiful and definitely full of personality.

Any thoughts?


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We have a hen that looks just like her she had blue legs and lays a cream colored egg. We were hoping for blue eggs. Ours ended up being a cross. But regardless she is still beautiful. Ours is very flighty thou, literally she flies like a bird. lol.
We have a hen that looks just like her she had blue legs and lays a cream colored egg. We were hoping for blue eggs. Ours ended up being a cross. But regardless she is still beautiful. Ours is very flighty thou, literally she flies like a bird. lol.
Haha! This gal likes to tell me about myself and definitely has her right wings clipped. She loved to take flight for a few weeks! Thankfully, the wing clipped help and she’s free to roam the yard once more.

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