This first pic is of one of my chicks from last year's hatch. The second pic is the same chick as an adult hen. She's currently brooding her first clutch of 8 eggs.
ETA: for those wondering, this hen came from black and silver parents.
Now, do you want this to happen to your family??!!!
and adorable pictures everyone!
19hhbelgian the last chick pic looks so funny! I love the little pom pom on the chick's head!
shelley: I took out my homemade incubator for a test hatch in January and ended up with one spoiled chick (there were 3 total eggs, two were early quitters). But now I put it away until later Spring/all through the Summer.
Awww cute pictures!!! And one reason I want one or more (yeah, probably more...
) is because I want to give them a bath and see how fluffy they get after being blow dried! If I ever get Silkies, they might be the most spoiled in the world!
Although it would be pretty hard to beat how spoiled yours are, by looking at these pictures!