I want to know: what is that?!?

I think "that" is left open on purpose for whatever they dont want to do.
( Here it would be cleaning up Mastiff/Pyrenees poop!)
Mine figured out that chickens kill grass. So he's making a chicken tractor so they'll kill the grass so he can start over again in the lawn.
Here the "that" is something that is illegial in 16 states, notiably Utah & Texas.

However if you'll remember the late 70's Meatloaf WILL dress up in eyeliner, and sing cheesy musicals along with Tim Curry, Susan Sarrandon & Nick Nolte (I think it was Nick?).

"just a jump to the left.....
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In the meat loaf song he's talking about getting married. She want's a guarantee of marriage before she'll do the deed.

In the Hall ad Oates song it could mean anything. They were gay before it was fashionable for gay people to get married, so use your imagination.

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