I want to see some sweatpants...

Well, you already started it
Every morning... I wake up and throw on some SWEATPANTS to walk my daughter down the drive to wait for the bus and then I do my chicken chores and then I do some house work... oh how I long for sweatpants....

My sweats are getting grungy... my sweats are getting torn (i'm short) they fray on the edges... spring is coming... time for spring cleaning and time to toss out the old and in with the new....

I want to wear some byc sweats to cardiac rehab and talk chicken.

What are you waiting for byc???
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I most definitely am in dire need of a new pair of sweats! And if they had some chickens on them, I'd buy them in a heartbeat!!

BYC!!! We want sweats!


I don't mind pajama pants, but I still would find it very pleasing to have sweat pants. Going to cardiac rehab 3x a week, I'd like to work out in sweats.

So it's settled... they should offer both.
brr... it was cold today. Sure could use some sweatpants.

So I was at my cardiac rehab facility the other day and a guy notices the tumbling t-shirt from a local town that my youngest is wearing that day.

I notice he's wearing his farm name on his denim shirt. I get to talking to him about his farm and turns out he lives pretty close to me although we are in the bigger town at the cardiac rehab facility---me one town over and him 2 towns over. Anyway, he tells me he does beef... I tell him I do chickens. He says he has chickens. I tell him there's this place he should check out on the computer that is a like a little community and if he should ever have any chicken questions he should check out backyard chickens.

We walk out the door and he repeats the name and says, thanks, I'll have to check it out.

Sure wish he would have noticed my backyard chickens sweatpants... oh wait, I don't have any.... drats.

< g getting fit in her backyard chicken sweat pants
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