Grumpy Lady
Hello All,
Asking for some opinions and recommendations here.....which I know means I will probably get more than I asked for! Thank you BYC for being such a wonderful resource!
Background Info:
I live inside city limits in the Colorado Front Range. We get hot dry summers, and cold winters (although generally not a lot of snow in town) and always lots of wind. I am not limited by city regulations on the amount of chickens as long as they are well cared for. My coop and run space would allow for 6-8 comfortably, and probably maxed out at 10 if they had to stay exclusively in the run. When I am home in evenings or weekends I do allow them out for supervised "free range" time (yes, I know it is not free range since they are still confined in our fenced in back yard.) I am pretty new to urban chicken raising. I keep the girls primarily for eggs, but love the assistance on grasshopper and insect control as well. Plus they bring me enjoyment and provide therapy with their happy clucking and cute antics.
My current flock is down to 4. I was told I have one black australorp, one sapphire gem, two blue andalusians. I bought them as 6 month old pullets in September of 2023. Although I suspect the sapphire gem was an adult mature bird not a pullet when I got them, so she may be much older.
Request for input:
I would like to increase my flock this spring. I am mostly interested in either brown or colored eggs and regular sized chickens, no giants and probably not bantams. My sapphire gem and australorp are both larger than the andalusians, and while they fit through the chicken door and in the next boxes, I think anything that is much larger might be a little bit of a squeeze.
I have read multiple posts that recommend keeping chickens of similar size or breed, and the same amount of posts that suggest it might not matter if a mixed flock or single breed flock.
Just for the fun of asking and hearing what you all recommend, I am curious on some thoughts of what breeds I could get to increase my flock size, keeping with cold and heat tolerant birds that are decent egg layers.
The follow up decisions of course will be whether to order specific breeds as chicks from a hatchery, take a chance on what TSC has this spring, or wait and see if anyone local has extra pullets to sell come summer. That will be a later set of questions
Thank you in advance for thoughts/advice/opinions/input.
and Happy New Year.
Asking for some opinions and recommendations here.....which I know means I will probably get more than I asked for! Thank you BYC for being such a wonderful resource!
Background Info:
I live inside city limits in the Colorado Front Range. We get hot dry summers, and cold winters (although generally not a lot of snow in town) and always lots of wind. I am not limited by city regulations on the amount of chickens as long as they are well cared for. My coop and run space would allow for 6-8 comfortably, and probably maxed out at 10 if they had to stay exclusively in the run. When I am home in evenings or weekends I do allow them out for supervised "free range" time (yes, I know it is not free range since they are still confined in our fenced in back yard.) I am pretty new to urban chicken raising. I keep the girls primarily for eggs, but love the assistance on grasshopper and insect control as well. Plus they bring me enjoyment and provide therapy with their happy clucking and cute antics.
My current flock is down to 4. I was told I have one black australorp, one sapphire gem, two blue andalusians. I bought them as 6 month old pullets in September of 2023. Although I suspect the sapphire gem was an adult mature bird not a pullet when I got them, so she may be much older.
Request for input:
I would like to increase my flock this spring. I am mostly interested in either brown or colored eggs and regular sized chickens, no giants and probably not bantams. My sapphire gem and australorp are both larger than the andalusians, and while they fit through the chicken door and in the next boxes, I think anything that is much larger might be a little bit of a squeeze.
I have read multiple posts that recommend keeping chickens of similar size or breed, and the same amount of posts that suggest it might not matter if a mixed flock or single breed flock.
Just for the fun of asking and hearing what you all recommend, I am curious on some thoughts of what breeds I could get to increase my flock size, keeping with cold and heat tolerant birds that are decent egg layers.
The follow up decisions of course will be whether to order specific breeds as chicks from a hatchery, take a chance on what TSC has this spring, or wait and see if anyone local has extra pullets to sell come summer. That will be a later set of questions

Thank you in advance for thoughts/advice/opinions/input.
and Happy New Year.