IA here

OH I think it was an all silkie show.. millions of them. they were giving each person through the gates at least 10 for free....

Call my Orp a weenie.... LOL

Don't worry he'll figure it out. His blue brother is certainly figuring it out. He's about to wear a couple of my hens out... They used to sit in the coop next to each other all day.
I might be getting rid of my two blue silkie hens. Right now they have 8 chicks they are raising together.

They are definately pet quality but so far are good at co-parenting. They do struggle with getting their children in at night ( I usually have to rescue chicks from under the coop)

Other than that they have done really good as parents and beat the bejeebers out my bichon the other day for even looking at their babies.

The poor dog didn't even see it coming as she was ninja kicked from the front and back.

I could throw in my baby white showgirl roo who is very shy and quiet
Are there any more swaps this year? I finially got my husband to go to the Maquoketa one and now he realizes how much fun they can be. He is already planning on burlington and waverly next year! We only brought home a Blue Cochin Rooster and a Beagle Puppy! His dad got a couple cool looking ducks.

thereseiam-----I have two or three silkies to get rid of however they are still at that not sure what they are stage.
Therese I have a couple silkies where in eastern Iowa are you? I am in Charles City. so If you are still looking I could part with a couple.

Now, now--don't take it personally that I'm calling your namesake a weenie--it has nothing to do with the person I got him from!


You're definitely close enough that I'd be very interested in some of your silkies--what do you have and what are you asking for them? Feel free to email me at [email protected], PM me here, or whatever works best for you.


Your silkie girls sound wonderful! Maybe I can coordinate with you and Melissa and do a 'great silkie escapade' or something like that?


You're getting a little bit far from me--I sure wish I'd both posted this and gotten to the Waverly swap as that would have put me a heck of a lot closer to you. Do you get to the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City/Quad-City area ever? Melissa is in Monticello, is that about half way between the two of us? (I'm in Durant, about half way between Iowa City and Davenport, just south of I-80.)

Thanks, all--you're great enablers! LOL

I get down that way a few times a year, my brother lives in coal valley Il. Usually waterloo is as far as I go on a regular basis, unless there is a dog show down there:)
Hi everyone. I haven't been on here in ages. The chickens are doing great. So are all the other critters. I have 2 new cats now. A stray momma cat decided to have her kittens in our barn. We found the mother and 4 kittens new homes but I kept two of them. They are excellent mousers
My ducklings that hatched out under their momma ducks earlier this summer are huge now.
Woke up to snow this morning - my big BCM roo who barely fits through the coop door stuck his head out and froze in that spot. I could hear all the other chickens piling up behind him. The juvenile chicks went under him and then back right back up into the coop.

Did anyone else get snow today? It looked like it was just a band along the I-80 corridor.

Therese - how are the "dodo" birds as my daughter calls them doing? I am rather glad you said you would have them in a barn stall at this point. The mamas would be fine - not sure what the babies would think.
Madison County saw snow, and a darn lot of it. I'll bet I had 2" of the fluffy stuff at 11am today.
Today my boys are having their annual Fall party, supposed to be bonfire/hayrack ride/games in the hayfield. NOT! Now they will all be in my BASEMENT. Ugh! I was not ready for snow, and it's certainly changed our party plans because of the mud it created.

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