Maybe you missed it in all our emails to each other.
I am just waiting for the right time to order some. I am concerned about this heat and ordering eggs. Also trying to find some good eggs as close to IA as possible.
I won't be doing anything until after our mini camping trip with family at the end of the month. Then I will have to see how work is going and what the weather is doing.
Close to melting. Besides the thermostat dying in my incubator yesterday, I lost my 3 silkie hens. I had a quad, Splash Roo over 3 Blue hens. When I went to feed last night, the 3 hens were dead. They were just pet quality, but I was hoping to use them as little incubators besides working on their quality. Their thermostat doesn't go out and heat up to 115 degrees.
Doing ok down here. Although my birds are panting they seem to be ok. Haven't lost any yet. I have been losing duck eggs at night though so last night we set a trap. It didn't take long and we had a nice large raccoon in it. We will set it again tonight.
Ugg, I've lost 3 hens since this last heat wave began. 2 Barred Rocks and my favorite blue Cochin
It appears she just fell off the perch. The first time it got so hot I lost 2 young SLW and 3 week old chicks, but now the young ones seem to be handling it better. I dread going out to the coop when I get off work
The horses are really suffering. Each day when I come home they mob me to be hosed off. Today they started crop dusting our area and the horses hate that. Last year they ran from one side of the pasture to the other each time the plane went over their heads. I'm worried about them getting over heated just standing in front of their fans, let alone being stampeded by airplanes!