IA here

to all you new BYCer's! Glad your tuning in!

We have been fortunate up here, no loses other than a Speckled Sussex bantam start. I think it was heat and an overactive little rooster. She was such a nice girl too. The birds have been stressed but made it through okay. Several days in a row I misted them all down with water and peremethrin. One day adding ice cubes to it. They were and are not fond of it but... it was good for them and their environment. They are still laying but not profusely and I don't blame them.
We have been lucky so far too! We almost lost a Sultan Tuesday late afternoon. My husband found her and thought she was already gone. He hosed her down and put her in some air conditioning. She spent the last two days in the basment in the dog kennel recovering. She seems to be doing great so last night when it was cool we took her back to the coop. We have also got tarps covering the runs, fans in the coops, and will try a sprinkler next in part of the run. Thanks for the great idea to use that! Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope it is cooler next weekend as we are going out of state and will have someone coming in to take care of all the livestock. I, too, worry about the horses. We lost one last year in August.
Apparently not...lost 10 chickens yesterday to the heat.
Everyone okay by you?

Oh im so sorry

Everyone is good here. I put frozen jugs out for them yesterday and a sprinkler out there, seemed to help. They loved the jugs.

How many chickens do you have?

I have 2 now
A Blue Andalusian hen (Smurfette) and a Black Sumatran hen (Rosa). Frozen jugs are a great idea, I'll pop some in the freezer tonight.
I hope it helps our for your girls. Thiesens usually take orders in the spring. I know Farm and Fleet does 2 differant orders in the spring. Im going to order again from F&F. I got 5 Aracuanas from them this year and all 5 made it which really suprised me, I thought I would loose 1 or 2 since it was my first time brining up babies.

Are you on some land out there or are you in town?
Seems she has decided to be the alpha female, the boss. Do you have a cockerel or a rooster? If not it is not uncommon for a female to assume that role. I had one that did and she even began to crow! It freaked me out! As soon as a male was introduced she went back to being more lady-like.

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