icubating eggs - power failure problem


6 Years
Oct 4, 2013
Hi, I just joined backyard chickens , hoping to find someone who has knowledge on incubating eggs. I have 6 sizzle eggs that I started incubating last week. The only trouble is, we had a stormy night and the power was off overnight for 9 hours.
Do you think my eggs will still be alright to hatch. I am so disappointed that this happened when I,m trying to hatch some chicks ????
There are several variables that you are dealing with here, if the incubator lost power and then returned to normal heat/temp after the 9 hour interval chances are the eggs will still be good but may take a day or two longer to hatch, candle them again in another week and see which ones have progressed and which have not. Incubateing eggs can take alot of punishment and still survive so dont give up on them too soon! Good Luck!
Thanks Kivis, I hope your right and their still ok !! Keeping my fingers crossed
Welcome to BYC
Unless they got really, really cold they should still be o.k. Another member here had an incubator unplugged for 24 hours once. Here's her story:

Chick embryos are tough little things! Best of luck with your hatch and please keep us posted! You can start a thread in the Incubating & Hatching Eggs on them. Enjoy the site!
I agree with Kivas. If the eggs were viable to start with, they will hatch - perhaps delayed by a day or so.

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