Identify That Chicken!


In the Brooder
Aug 15, 2024
I was recently gifted this chicken. The previous owner was told she’s an Ameraucana, but the owner thought she’s an Easter Egger. If anyone can tell what breed she is, that would be great!


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She’s an Easter Egger!
There is a lot of confusion between Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers. Ameraucanas are a true and real breed, have different types of coloring, and are much harder to find. Easter Eggers are technically mixes, so they aren’t a true breed and have no standard. Easter Eggers are very easy to find. Hatcheries will re-name them Americanas to make you think you’re getting the real Ameraucana when they’re actually Easter Eggers.
She’s an Easter Egger!
There is a lot of confusion between Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers. Ameraucanas are a true and real breed, have different types of coloring, and are much harder to find. Easter Eggers are technically mixes, so they aren’t a true breed and have no standard. Easter Eggers are very easy to find. Hatcheries will re-name them Americanas to make you think you’re getting the real Ameraucana when they’re actually Easter Eggers.
Oh cool! Thanks for the info!

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