Identifying a predator


10 Years
Aug 3, 2013
Our 10 chicks were born late April and are now in a chicken coop and run. We have an automatic door that closes after dark and opens in the morning and we have netting over the entire run area. We have a six foot fence we made with wooden boards and wire. Last week I woke up to see two chickens dead in the run area and two chickens missing. I was devastated. We looked around and couldn’t find an obvious entry. A neighbor said she did see a fox carrying off something white which was probably my splash maran. Since then, I have been locking the chickens up manually before it gets dark and letting them out in the morning. Unfortunately, today around 10am I saw an animal half way over the fence that was the color of a fox. I’m confused because I didn’t think a fox could climb. I’m not sure what to do or how to identify the predator! Ugh! Please help!
Foxes are incredible climbers, and they can squeeze into the tiniest of gaps. I lived with one for a while, believe me when I say they are more like cats than dogs.
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