If a goose could vote what would they vote for.

I think my geese would also vote to end the driveway ban. Shitting on the driveway everyday, all day if they can is one of their most treasured hobbies.
I like your post but best change that word to "pooping" or something as cussing isn't allowed. I know as I got my hand slapped once a few years ago. :)
I like your post but best change that word to "pooping" or something as cussing isn't allowed. I know as I got my hand slapped once a few years ago. :)
I swear so much it's casual and normal for me so I've had to go back and edit posts QUICK when I realized 🤣

I don't have geese but the wild ones I've been around would vote for more public lawns to poop on. And more kids to chase and hiss at. And more frozen peas, please. And while we're at it, goose for president of the universe.
I think mine would vote for flip flops of their own so they wouldn't have to steal mine!

@JRies what would you're geese vote for?


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