Illinois traders!!!!

Hi Pat I have three batches going right now one set was due yesterday but so far nothing can see chicks they just seem to be a little slower to develop.
Then Ihave your batch which is one week along I added some of my own I have a few Americana banty eggs in it those crazy bantams are laying 2 eggs a day each so I am getting 4 eggs aday from my only bantams they are my favorite with there fun personality, they are named Dusk and Brownie Brownie comes running when she sees me and loves to perch on my arm. All of my chickens are currently residing in my garage (I am a sucker and don't want them out in the bittter cold lol). The eggs in your batch are looking pretty good very hard to see into your eggs when I candle (I so want to buy that 200lumen mag. light to candle with) But I like to think I am seeing signs of life in your eggs. I defintly am seeing veining in some of my eggs. Would love to put some of your Americana eggs in the incubator so you can start collecting them anytime you want I will have an empty incubator for next weekend. I love your Silkie are you going to get him a hen lol silkies have great personalities. I will be talking to you soon.
Thanks Sherry
Hi Sherry!

That’s great! I’ve been awash in eggs lately – gave away 2 dozen – not including what I gave you – then made lemon curd (uses 8 eggs!). I’ll start saving them for you now, starting with 2 blue ones from yesterday.

I’ve been scrolling around this site too, looking for how to keep them (in the dark – didn’t know that) to increase viability.

The Silkie hen is a scream. She is used to our human routine now and knows how to let us know she’s hungry, or when we’re taking just too much time coming downstairs in the morning. NO MORE ROOSTERS HERE, but . . . . I’m kinda liking the idea of having more Silkies.

How many chickens do you have? The garage, my, that's convenient!

Hi Pat Eggs sound wonderful looks like my first batch is gonna be a complete flop I am going to go to a sale tomorrow evening and see about picking up some thing pure bred see what they have available there if nothing else just see what its about.
In northern IL, when do hens start laying again? I'm a newbie. I have 2 pullets that started laying Jan 6th & almost 1 egg each per day since. The others are also 28wks & I haven't found a single egg from them. All the combs turned red, & they started squatting before Christmas. I never added lighting b/c when winter started, they weren't old enough to lay anyway.
Any one have Buff Orpington eggs for sale? I have 6 hens that need a mate.
I wrote this up in a different thread but am placing it again here to see if anyone can help us out. I am in tears trying to find my favorite, beautiful chicken a loving new home. I'd really hate for him to end up on a dinner plate. The price is free if you're willing to give our boy good home.
Sweet pet rooster needs loving home. Our favorite chicken (hatched July 24, 2013 as part of a science project) turned out to be a cockerel. He is extremely tame, trained & well loved. Sadly, roosters are illegal in our town, so we will need to find him a new home. If you have room in your coop for a wonderful Easter-egger, please respond.
More details:
Brown Easter-Egger
Full size breed (not bantam)
Has been used for classroom education & other children's events
No aggression toward people or dogs
Amazing temperament - Great Pet - Likes to cuddle - Comes when called

Faraday40 - Did you ever find your rooster a home? Is he pure EE (Is there such a thing as pure EE)?
I got a colorful egg assortment from a man who used to show chickens but decided to get into pigeons instead. The chickens were then housed together, so who knows what Brownie is exactly. The man had one Ameraucana & one Barred Rock rooster. Brownie's egg was pink. His "sisters" now lay green-blue or peachie-cream colored eggs. Since "Easter-eggers" are a mix, that's what I call him. (I don't think he's a pure Ameraucana.)

The neighbors haven't complained & when asked they said they don't hear him in the mornings. He seems to only crow when he hears us in the garage or when he wants us to bring out the food. He's still sweet & so entertaining, so we haven't looked too hard for a home. I even use him in classroom presentations. I suppose once the chickens start moving out to the grass, his crow may get louder. (Muffled now either inside the insulated coop or in a tarp covered run.) At that time, I will start seriously searching for a home again. You can PM me if you may be interested.
I got a colorful egg assortment from a man who used to show chickens but decided to get into pigeons instead. The chickens were then housed together, so who knows what Brownie is exactly. The man had one Ameraucana & one Barred Rock rooster. Brownie's egg was pink. His "sisters" now lay green-blue or peachie-cream colored eggs. Since "Easter-eggers" are a mix, that's what I call him. (I don't think he's a pure Ameraucana.)

The neighbors haven't complained & when asked they said they don't hear him in the mornings. He seems to only crow when he hears us in the garage or when he wants us to bring out the food. He's still sweet & so entertaining, so we haven't looked too hard for a home. I even use him in classroom presentations. I suppose once the chickens start moving out to the grass, his crow may get louder. (Muffled now either inside the insulated coop or in a tarp covered run.) At that time, I will start seriously searching for a home again. You can PM me if you may be interested.

Hopefully your neighbors won't be too bothered by your rooster in the summer and it doesn't sound that he crows too much. I have a BCM roo that thinks morning starts around 1am, and then will take a break until 4-5 am. Luckily I'm in the country with no neighbors. I have 3 EE hens and I'm looking for a EE rooster that will keep the eggs blue. This spring I plan on hatching some of my blue EE eggs that are crossed with my BCM so I'm hoping for some OE.

You from the Rockford area?

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