
Nice roost design! Looks easy to clean.

Great job building it & just in time for winter.
Thanks, the roost actually lifts right out for easy cleaning, except I made a mistake on the measurement for that top roost where u see that notch. You should have seen the look I got when I said, oops I screwed up. The sand poop box also comes out . Used vinyl flooring on the floor for easy cleaning in the spring, just lift out and hose down. But the kicker is that we might have found a new house with an acre of land, and I asked if there was any way we could take it apart.
The area is only 20 minutes from my daughter and the grandkids, and there are quite a few people in the area with horses, so fingers crossed.

What a nice thing to do for you! I love the blue and the natural wood door! Just gorgeous!

Cute grandson!
Yes it was. He is a good son, but he said he would never want to be a carpenter after working with me. LOL so, sorry @chickendreams24 , his building days are over with, I ruined him. He is on his way to New Jersey for a well deserved getaway.

Just raise the price of your property by ??? and sell to some happy chicken peeps. There are those that sure would like this in their yard.. They can jump right in with both feet running.,
I just would feel so guilty leaving it after all the work my son put into it. We will see, I am sure I can come up with someway of bringing it with me. Maybe it could be loaded on a small truck or maybe a saws all and take it apart in sections!
If it's under 8 feet wide it can be dragged up complete and hauled on a flat car hauler trailer pretty easily...

It will probably take [COLOR=FF0000]10 men and a boy[/COLOR]   :gig to lift  it from where it is onto a trailer.

That is why I suggested dragged up, not lifted... A few skids/skis made out of 4x4s under it , or even better rolling it on some 3" round fence poles and it should drag fairly easy with a come along or winch...
Sad day at the cavemans' corral. Forgot to close aviary and Rocky Raccoon got into pigeon loft and ate 2 adult pigeons and 1 baby unnamed Squeaker . No more......... Splash, and Gold finger. I'm not mad at Rocky, he only wanted a meal... REALLY MAD at myself for forgetting.

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