I'm 0 for 15 on chickies

That's wonderful news!
I know you are just ecstatic to have your power back on! Now go get some of those buff babies.
So sorry to hear about your lil ones. Glad to hear you've finally got power back! Go get those Buff babies and hug them, and squeeze them, and call them George... oh sorry:p wrong cartoon. I hear shared bodily warmth is the best way to keep babies warm, but their little beakies and feeties might get scratchy on your tummy. Good luck, and if you need a place to roost until you're sure about your power, come on up... DFW isn't that far.
Thanks for the offer, but can the whole farm come too?
4 horses
50 chickens
12 fainting goats
5 Australian Shepherds
8 hunting dogs
2 ducks
1 hog (250 lbs of pure lovin')
8 assorted neighbors with a slight Pina Colada addiction since the storm


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