I'm addicted to ROOSTERS!!!

Anyone want my little SNOT rooster? Little &^%$#$% attacked my son again today - this time worse than before as my poor child was bending over to look in the nest box, the rooster got him on the side of the face/ear and his elbow. Just scratches, but I'm as MAD as a snake on a hot tin roof!
Sorry to hear that, you might want to cut those spurs off him, and you might want to try THIS too. Hope it helps, but if not, don't let your kid go in the pen, or cull it out. Good luck!
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I really enjoy hearing Rudy crow...unless we are closed up in the coop with him..then it's kinda loud
No, he does have a really nice sounding crow though, almost "perfect" I guess you could say. Now the little gs Hamburg roo...he's been crowing for several months now, and it sounds about the same, lol! Not exactly musical
My roosters seem to crow more when they hear a man's voice. When I have my women friends over and we're around the chickens, I don't hear a peep. But as soon as there are men's voices nearby, it's constant crowing. Are roosters attuned to human voices?
I love that sound too. I wish I could have a rooster, but that's not happening.
this morning I woke up to the lovely sound of a leaf blower.
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Ugh - such a good point Luna. Noisy leaf blowers, chainsaws, revving engines, mowers, snow blowers and all other manner of noisy human machines (along with relentlessly barking dogs of course) are deemed acceptable but generally not the wondrous crow of a roo!

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We kept one rooster from the recent rooster purge. He's now crowing daily - mostly in the morning and then again as the sun starts to set.

It's such a neat sound. Our bedroom window points out towards the chicken coop and he doesn't wake us up at all.

If our neighbors complain, I'm really going to be LIVID. He's much quieter than a dog barking or a lawn tractor.

I love the sound - makes me smile everytime I hear it.
Love to hear them Roosters crow.
My brother in law use to have Americam game Roosters that he raised and at times he had around 100 roosters . Never got tired of hearing them crow.

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