I'm having major wisdom tooth/teeth issues. Advice?

Have them pulled. I was so scared to get mine done. My parents never made sure I had dental care growing up. My husband when we married pushed and pushed for me to get my teeth checked and cleaned etc. I finally let him know I had major fears. He soothed me and paid alot of $$ to get my teeth healthy. I was shocked that I had no more damage to my teeth then some cavities. I did need to have my wisdom teeth removed and was scared but hubby was again there to support and hold my hand. It was not bad and I was worried over nothing. It was easy, recovering is minor and they give you pain killers. The postive thing is you only need to do it once and then it is done
apparently the root was wrapped around my jaw bone!


I'll definitely let y'all know what they say. That way I'll be accountable for actually doing it.​
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Yep, getting them out will solve it. I put off having mine out until one was begining to decay (yuck) and was very hot/cold sensitive. I had them out last July at the age of 33. It solved all my tooth troubles! Sounds like the dental school is the way to go. Good Luck!
If you can't get something done at OSU dental school, there should be a county hospital there in Columbus that will do them at low or no cost. Get some x-rays and have them removed.
Mansfield is large enough there should also be something there that would be similar. (It's been 33 years since I was in that part of Ohio)

If you are taking over the counter meds, it's better to do something with Tylenol. Ibuprophen or aspirin at this point will just make you bleed more when you have them removed.

Do warm salt water rinses as this will help the area that is sore. You could also add a bit of peroxide to the mix to help keep it clean.

Be certain to brush the rest of them... many times folks will be in so much pain, they will neglect the rest of their teeth.

I wish I'd seen this sooner, but I went up the mountain earlier tonight and was very tired.
I imagine you could find a dentist that would allow you to make payments. I had all four of mine removed at once, and it was not a horrible experience like I'd been warned. They used an IV. I went to sleep. I never laid eyes on the dental surgeon. The next thing I knew they were waking me up to go home. There was some soreness for a few days and I had to eat soft food, but no more problem than that.
I also live in Ohio and don't have health insurance. When I was facing some expensive dental treatment I found out about Care Credit. It's a credit card accepted by many dentists and doctors. It allows you to pay it off in 18 months same as cash. The interest is paid by the dentist. I was approved almost immediately. If that's an option for you just google Care Credit.
I am literally right there with you!!! Even my right lower one is the problem causer; all other 3 came in o.k... So there is only one option, get them out
! I had to go to the ER b/c mine caused an infection and they gave me Vicodin and antibiotics until I get them out... No FUN, mine are also causing migrane headaces! If you can't get them right out go to the dental isle in Wal-Mart and look for orthodontic wax, put it over the tooth so it will stop cutting up you cheek, this will only help for a bit though. Good luck to you!

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