I'm new here

Ricky rick ricky

May 3, 2024
Missoula, MT
Hello everyone. First, hat off to the website. Second, what a great community and wealth of information within. Now a short backstory. I am constantly browsing this site whenever I am concerned about something with my birds or when I simply have a random curious thought about any fowl. Been meaning to join for awhile, so here I am. When I was young we had so many chickens at my Grandparents ranch, I would say at least 50- 100 at any given time. Spent countless hours/ days playing with and around the birds. Also we had ducks, a few geese, pigs and horses. Yada Yada. Now I am in my 40s and a little over a year ago I was at the ranch store, it was chick days. I was tired of just always just looking at the little fluffers so I impulse purchased me a few without a thought or hesitation. Cue in BYC (thankfully a place like this exists). Well work was done while the chicks got older to make them a place to call home. There were some ups and downs, long story, ultimately I lost those first 4 to my own errors, my dog and a raccoon.... my youngest son was devastated when the raccoon got the last 2. Tbh I was pretty distraught as well and infected with chicken fever. I was constantly searching this site and others reading everything about all chickens. A couple months later I found myself on a trip cross state to secretly(to surprise my son) pick up 3 new birds only a couple months old hatched by a young girl in 4h who got the eggs from some breeder she said. That was last September. My name is Will, I am an avid outdoorsman, have always liked animals of all sorts exception to coons n skunks. I was born and raised in Central Montana. I have lived in the Sonoran desert and in So. Cal close to the pacific. I currently reside in Missoula Montana. I have been here for close to 20 years. My flock is small, but recently got a Lil bigger. 6 in total b/c one of my girls decided it was time to be a mama a short while ago. I have Dutch bantam and am pretty sure they are legit, that's what the girl told me and also as I have done my research. They are awesome lil things. Rusty- our rooster. Lala and Becky who is mama hen right now to the 3 youngsters. They are somewhere between 1 n 2 mo old right now. I am glad to now be part of this cool community of chicken keepin peeps.
Chickens are awesome.
Ricky.... rick... rick.. ricky?
Hello everyone. First, hat off to the website. Second, what a great community and wealth of information within. Now a short backstory. I am constantly browsing this site whenever I am concerned about something with my birds or when I simply have a random curious thought about any fowl. Been meaning to join for awhile, so here I am. When I was young we had so many chickens at my Grandparents ranch, I would say at least 50- 100 at any given time. Spent countless hours/ days playing with and around the birds. Also we had ducks, a few geese, pigs and horses. Yada Yada. Now I am in my 40s and a little over a year ago I was at the ranch store, it was chick days. I was tired of just always just looking at the little fluffers so I impulse purchased me a few without a thought or hesitation. Cue in BYC (thankfully a place like this exists). Well work was done while the chicks got older to make them a place to call home. There were some ups and downs, long story, ultimately I lost those first 4 to my own errors, my dog and a raccoon.... my youngest son was devastated when the raccoon got the last 2. Tbh I was pretty distraught as well and infected with chicken fever. I was constantly searching this site and others reading everything about all chickens. A couple months later I found myself on a trip cross state to secretly(to surprise my son) pick up 3 new birds only a couple months old hatched by a young girl in 4h who got the eggs from some breeder she said. That was last September. My name is Will, I am an avid outdoorsman, have always liked animals of all sorts exception to coons n skunks. I was born and raised in Central Montana. I have lived in the Sonoran desert and in So. Cal close to the pacific. I currently reside in Missoula Montana. I have been here for close to 20 years. My flock is small, but recently got a Lil bigger. 6 in total b/c one of my girls decided it was time to be a mama a short while ago. I have Dutch bantam and am pretty sure they are legit, that's what the girl told me and also as I have done my research. They are awesome lil things. Rusty- our rooster. Lala and Becky who is mama hen right now to the 3 youngsters. They are somewhere between 1 n 2 mo old right now. I am glad to now be part of this cool community of chicken keepin peeps.
Chickens are awesome.
Ricky.... rick... rick.. ricky?
Hi will, welcome. This is where I go to get in touch with other chicken people and to learn how to do it right!

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