I'm starting over. Help me decide what breeds to go with please


Apr 5, 2021
I'm sure this topic gets redundant, but I'm completely starting over and was hoping yall could help me pick our new breeds. We previously had 2 Production Reds and 1 Black Sex Link. We were happy with them. They were friendly enough and good layers. We are going with 6 chicks this time and would like 3 different pairs. I just dont really know anything about the different breeds. My daughter (14) wants friendly hens that she can hold and Momma wants pretty birds, I want good layers. Although with 6 birds there is no way we would eat that many eggs and would end up giving a lot away.

We are South of Houston. It stays really hot most of the year. I am building a new coop/run, all covered with plenty of air flow. Coop will be 8' x 6' (3 sided open air) and open to a 8' x 12' or 8' x 14' run.

Honestly I'd be happy with 2 more production reds, 2 more sex links and whatever other breed. But I'd really like to hear what yall will recommend. Those laced Wyondettes sure are pretty but I know nothing about them. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
I'm starting over too. This time around I'm going bantam. Waiting on an order of Bantam Rhode Island reds and bantam Easter Eggers.

Are you planning to buy from a hatchery or from a local feed store. Your options may be limited to what they have, if your buying from a feed store.
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Rhode Island Reds are great layers. As far as friendly, my Buff Orpington, Charlotte is very friendly and nosey. I don’t think you can get any breed more pretty than a Blue Laced Wyandotte. Silkies and Naked Neck are just odd looking, to me. Blue Laced Wyandotte roosters are absolutely THE most handsome birds ever.
Orpingtons are great birds, in any color. There's also leghorns, they come in all sorts of colors (Brown Leghorns and White Leghorns are what you most commonly see) and some varieties like Exchequer Leghorn are incredibly beautiful, but all are friendly, outgoing birds that are fantastic layers.
If you are going w a hatchery, I would order asap. Ideal and Mt Healthy have some limited availability in late summer/fall. Ideal is in Texas like you.

I personally have never owned a Rhode Island Red, only because I have heard they can be agressive to other breeds, and we have a mixed flock. Sex links give you lots of large eggs also, and don’t seem to generally be agressive. Ideal has Black, Blue, Red, Gold & Brown sex links so you could get a variety of colors.

If you want heritage breeds, I love Plymouth Rocks (we have 2 Barred Rocks) and Australorps. They are very good layers and friendly.

I do have to make a comment about the naked necks…my husband was upset when I ordered one, because “they look weird”, but now she is his favorite! She is spunky and sweet, likes being held, is friendly but not overwhelming, and gets along great with the other hens. I ordered another Naked Neck since we love her so much! (Totally understand if you can’t get over the funny look though).

If you like puffy cheeks/muffs, maybe consider Easter Eggers as well. For very friendly with a good amount of eggs, Orpingtons can’t be beat. Speckled Sussex is also a very friendly breed, and would have the beauty you are looking for! They do a good job laying, also!

Good luck! Let us know what you decide on, and where you find them! (If you really can’t decide, 6 individual breeds would work. Mixed flocks are great!

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