
Jun 26, 2023
Need some advice! First time chicken mom💁🏼‍♀️!I’ve always used dirt and sand as the hens bedding, until it flooded on Wednesday night. Like actually flooded the chicken coop. I poured out pelletized bedding in the run to soak up all the water and all was well. Thursday evening I noticed one of my girls crop was pretty hard. Friday it was still hard and today it’s just as hard. I pick her up everyday and have never felt it feel so much like a little golf ball. I’m wondering if she ate some of the pelletized bedding and maybe it’s swollen inside of her?! She is acting fine, molting so not laying and has been eating and drinking fine. Pooped some greenish this afternoon. What should I do to help it soften out? I just don’t want my girl hurting! All advice is helpful!


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Need some advice! First time chicken mom💁🏼‍♀️!I’ve always used dirt and sand as the hens bedding, until it flooded on Wednesday night. Like actually flooded the chicken coop. I poured out pelletized bedding in the run to soak up all the water and all was well. Thursday evening I noticed one of my girls crop was pretty hard. Friday it was still hard and today it’s just as hard. I pick her up everyday and have never felt it feel so much like a little golf ball. I’m wondering if she ate some of the pelletized bedding and maybe it’s swollen inside of her?! She is acting fine, molting so not laying and has been eating and drinking fine. Pooped some greenish this afternoon. What should I do to help it soften out? I just don’t want my girl hurting! All advice is helpful!
If she's pooping then you have some time to address the problem. Luckily hens can cope for a long time with an impacted crop because they can divert the food they might normally send to their crop directly down the proventriculus and into the gizzard.
I would start with a water and coconut oil flush with a crop massage after. The moulting makes things more difficult because ideally one shouldn't handle moulting chickens. However, you can carefully wrap her in a towel leaving the crop exposed.
Freeze the coconut oil and feed your hen two or three quarter inch or smaller pieces. Two or three if you can. Wait a few minutes then get her to drink as much water as you can up to a 40ml limit. Try 20ml first and if that goes down without her regurgitating the liquid then gradually increase the amount of water. Next massage her crop. It requires quite firm pressure, enough to slightly deform the hard ball in her crop minding any pin feathers around the crop area.
I can't explain how to massage the crop. It's something one gets a feel for with practice.
Do the oil, water flush and massage four or five times a day and see if t gives results.
If not, then these aricles will provide you with alternatives.



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