I currently have a 4 foot fence surrounding my chicken coop. it’s 176 linear feet. My chickens were allowed access out of that areaUntil I recently lost three birds in the last week.These of course were not just birds. They were my pets, and I loved them dearly. I now have only six birds left. I assumed it was hawks, so we really reinforced the overhead area with fishing line, netting, etc..Unless I was out there with them, I kept them in this “safe” area. The canopy of the trees in the enclosure really obscure the vision of this area from above but I guess it wasn’t enough. Today we discovered the culprit was a bobcat. I know this for a fact .So I’m desperate to protect my chickens without confining them to their coop (Which is very secure, and I think I actually would detour a bobcat at night. At night we also turn on the electric fence which runs parallel to the shorter 4 foot fence. We have wires at about 5 inches 19 inches and 3 feet. I know this keeps the raccoons etc. out but I doubt a bobcat would be impressed. So the reason I’m writing as I was wondering if anyone thought it would work if I pounded 10 foot stakes along the 4 ft fence line and connected three strings of barbed wireAround the perimeter. This would make a 10 foot barrier. It’s all I can think of short of having a 10 foot fence installed. It’s not a project we could do ourselves and I think the cost would be astronomical. I appreciate any input whether you think this would keep the cat out. Or any new ideas would be appreciated. A shotgun might be an option but the bobcat is so fast I doubt we could pull that off. I don’t like to think of killing, wild animals, but I don’t want my whole flock to be wiped out either. I’ll try to enclose a picture of the existing fenceWhich is not that sturdy, but was enough to keep the chickens contained. Thanks in advance if anyone has any ideas.