in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

Absolutely. I’ll never forget how much this scary event shook up the entire world. I was 15 when it happened.
This story brought various consequences. One of them is that it was decided to suspend the construction of nuclear power plants of this type (with graphite rods), and later to abandon it altogether. The new stations have a slightly different design and, in addition, a slightly more reliable security system. And the stations remained unfinished. If you look in the territory of the former USSR, there are a lot of them. Specifically, what is in the photo has now been dismantled. These materials do not pose a radiation hazard, due to the fact that nothing was used there. There is no atom there, there are just empty concrete structures and that's it.

We have quite a lot of such objects (not dangerous). Here in this photo is an unfinished hydroelectric power station. It was placed on one of the mountain rivers, but then it turned out that the soil there is not very stable, in addition, new stations, placed further on the streams, produce more electricity than this one would have produced according to the project. In the 90s, during the great Russian disorder, the construction was abandoned, and then no one wanted to finish it. New stations were built, and the old ones remained standing "as a souvenir". Some jokers call these places "Artifacts of an ancient, departed, highly developed civilization".

There are even people who constantly climb there and take pictures. There are also some kind of underground cities that were used en masse to store sauerkraut, vegetables and sometimes meat. The meat was in the ice, it was eaten long ago, and the ice, according to rumors, still lies underground and does not melt.

In general, we have historically had a lot of such structures, the problem is that no one knows which passages lead where. For example, the library of Ivan IV (the tsar who ruled Russia from 1547 to 1584) still cannot be found. According to rumors, he hid it somewhere in the dungeons so that in case of fire it would not burn down (Moscow has constantly burned throughout its history and it was not safe to simply store books in houses). As a result, no one can find this library, where it is buried and where it is hidden. Although various treasures of coins and various utensils periodically surface, the library is not found.

Sometimes such dungeons are flooded, and sometimes rivers flow through them at such a high speed that even a shallow stream sweeps away a person who accidentally puts his foot in there.
In general, I definitely won't go to such places)
My kitchen window. How come I didn't think of doing this before? We take empty flower pots, fill them with a mixture of rotten goat manure, sand, wood ash and peat, and put in some pepper seeds bought at the market.
The only thing is, next time I'll take slightly larger pots, the plants are a bit cramped.



It's October outside, -10 C at night, geese and ducks are walking around in the greenhouses, and it's warm at home and the peppers are ripening peacefully. I definitely enjoyed this experience, I'm thinking of decorating many windows in my house with peppers. In my opinion, they generally look good in the kitchen, where the same peppers are served for lunch, stuffed with minced meat, onions and rice )

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