in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

Looks great! What are you growing?

On March 10-20, it is customary to germinate tomato, pepper and eggplant seeds, and then plant them in these "pots". A little later, the same is done with cucumber seeds. A little later, zucchini, pumpkin and squash seeds are planted.

Spring is cold here, so zucchini, squash and pumpkin are hidden under film or other similar covering material for the first month. Sometimes they buy it for money, sometimes they take any cellophane they can find, almost from the trash, in which mattresses, refrigerators, etc. were once packed. Well, after a month, all this is removed, thrown away, and the zucchini grow in the beds like this, without cover.

Well, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants - these usually grow in greenhouses, because it is too cold outside the greenhouses (the nights are cold). Well, initially, the plants are kept at home in such pots. They are planted in the ground in greenhouses no earlier than May 9, or even May 15 (depending on the weather).

Specifically, these pots are for tomatoes. The next batch will be for peppers, and the rest one by one.

In general, special peat pots and soil in bags for such things are usually sold in stores, but I decided not to spend money, and simply took empty boxes from some fruit yoghurts, store-bought milk (when the goats finished lactation, I had to buy milk in the store), kefir, and some other drinks, I don’t even remember which ones. Some cardboard ice cream cups.

And as for the soil, I simply took cheap peat and mixed it with sand, goat manure and wood ash. I did this in the fall so that I would have a sufficient supply in the spring.

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