Inbreeding and Breeding Small flock

Ummmm..okay? Thanks for the info! I'll probably get 2 females and one male! I just want a small flock. Do you guys recommend nesting boxes or not for the quail? Also, How many quail per square foot?
Just 2 females are still likely to be overbred unless you have a very underwhelming male. The only male I was able to get away with less than 4 was an infertile one that didn't breed much at all
Okay. The only thing is, I really want to breed them and I have had bad experiences with incubators in the past.
Coturnix quail rarely go broody. In order to get broody coturnix you will need an aviary setting with a lot of space and a close to natural environment. Even then, if one goes broody, she may not raise the chicks.

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