Inbreeding and Breeding Small flock

You will want a brooder. Many quail hens will not raise the chicks even if they do manage to hatch them. You were thinking of hatching them using a bantam, but then you will still need a brooder.

You will really need to watch the hen to make sure she doesn't kill the chicks if you decide to put her in with them. If you want a mother for the chicks, you will have best luck with an older hen, one that is at least 18 months old.

Are you aware that coturnix quail have short life spans? They have about the same lifespan as a pet rat, which is 2-5 years.
Okay. I have 2 very broody Hamburg bantam chickens that will be plan B. Plan A is to have the eggs and chicks be with the mother. Plan C is incubating.
Just about anything will do as a hiding place. I use cardboard boxes, baskets, flower pots, etc. Make sure that they have at least two holes in them so they don't get backed into a corner. They seem to prefer hiding places where they feel like they can't be seen, but they can see out. Dollar store baskets work well.
Okay. Good to know! What about the quails flying though???
Thanks!!!! I'm accept your welcome from Southern California! Is it snowy up there? Do you own chickens? I love your profile picture! Cats are sooo cute! Sorry, I love asking questions. I'm 12 yrs and homeschooled and it's awesome! I get to spend so much time with my birds!!!!! I am looking foward to raising quail!!!
It can be a little snowy at times, not too bad. I don't own chickens. We, my husband and I, have two cats and now 8 button quail. I might get some coturnix in the future.

I went through all my school years as an undiagnosed autistic with ADHD. Sure wish I could have been homeschooled! I was bullied something awful.

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