Incubating eggs

I just put 9 eggs in the incubator this morning! They are all blue eggs from Cream Legbar mixes. (barnyard specials). They should hatch on the 1st day of spring. I had put away my incubators and said 'no more hatching cause I'm too old.'. So much for good intentions :old:jumpy
Make sure to keep me posted and not to candle the eggs to often!😂
Good luck hope some of your eggs hatch! I have 9 silkie eggs that went into lock down yesterday! Are your eggs silkie eggs?
No Silkie eggs. One is a SBEL (super Blue Egg Layer) and the other is a mystery (fun and funky) egg. Both from so I'm not exactly sure what they will be when they hatch. The Silkies are so cute but I'm afraid they would have a hard time integrating into my flock of big ladies.
This is my first experience with hatching eggs. I ordered 8 eggs that came from New Hampshire and I'm in Idaho. We are on day 17 so tomorrow we go into lockdown. I only have 2 left that were still progressing after I candled them at 14 days. Hoping, at this point, that these two will make it. 🤞
Have any hatched?
Had 9 incubating, yesterday was hatch day, 5 popped out yesterday afternoon thru evening, one egg was popped half way around but this morning no signs of life☹️. I moved the 5 to broader and will wait and see on others. Tonight under their heat plate.
I had some chicks hatch last night. Today I opened up the last 2 eggs and one of them had been shrink wrapped and died 😢 But all the others are happy and healthy!
Had 9 incubating, yesterday was hatch day, 5 popped out yesterday afternoon thru evening, one egg was popped half way around but this morning no signs of life☹️. I moved the 5 to broader and will wait and see on others. Tonight under their heat plate.View attachment 4064866
Have you considered putting pictures of them in the cutest chick contest? The prize is an incubator!
Have any hatched?
No. 😕 I am trying to be patient but we are on day 22 and there is nothing going on, not even movement of the eggs. I did candle them on day 18 just before I locked them down and there was good movement inside. Also, if you watched the eggs you could see them rock. Now I don’t see any rocking nor do I hear any chirping. I will give them a couple more days but at this point I’m not feeling very confident that I will get any chicks from this hatch.

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