Incubating Geese Eggs

Your talking about Callah? can you post a video here so we can see his leg and how he walks?
you'll need to upload to viemo or you tube and copy and paste here.
Yeah I think I can do that. The only thing is that he is unable to walk
One leg looks so small and he holds it up, almost above his wing. His Hicks are swollen too. I’m giving him niacin and have been for the past week at a higher dose but it doesn’t seem to be working
How long has he not been able to walk? That’s so sad. At the age he is If this has been going on for quite a while the niacin May not work any chance of a vet visit?
I think it’s almost been three weeks now. We will try a splint like how we did with little girl goose but a bigger version. I’ll see if we can schedule a vet appointment.

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