Incubation attempt 2


5 Years
Mar 27, 2019
Hello everyone. I used to incubate alot then let my hens take control and hatch their own babies. Now I'm trying to pick up incubating again, mainly because my kids love to watch it. I tried normal incubating on my first try back at it and none of the chicks made it. I had a lot of trouble with the humidity staying high enough with the water. So I am now trying dry hatching. My temp has been strictly between 90 and 100. With one time it reaching up to 105 but I corrected it quickly. Also the humidity has been steady at a 30-35%. It's day 5 now and im not seeing any veins in any of them. I guess my question is does it take a little longer for the veins to form when using significantly lower humidity?? Going yo candle again at day 7 to see if any progress is made. Thanks!!
I think the varying temps is the problem.

Humidity can be an average, but temperature cannot. Spiking to 105 and as low as 90 is probably the cause. It should be 99.5F and that can go up or down a degree or two, but yours is pretty drastic.

Embryos develop if conditions are right, and humidity at 30-35%, while a bit low for us traditional hatchers, still they'd develop and you should for sure see veins and a dark blob on Day 7.
This is what one looked like when I cracked it open. I took most of them out and replaced them with new ones. See if these ones grow anything. I have two roosters and have had babies hatch outside before, so the eggs should be good. Idk what im doing wrong 🫤


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Do you have any other way to verify the temperature. You didn't mention the type of incubator you're using but many use senors that aren't very accurate. The pictured egg looks like it hasn't developed at all so either it wasn't fertile or it failed very early in the process. I agree with Debbie's take on it.

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