Incubation Nightmare


Aug 1, 2024
Need advice. I had 42 eggs in Incubator 1, they developed beautifully and started hatching on day 17 (yesterday). Eight hatched yesterday and three today.

I have three independent thermometers and 2 independent hygrometers in addition to the one built into the incubator (Nurture Right 360, incubator warehouse 48 egg quail tray). The temperature maintained between 99.5 and 100 degrees and the humidity maintained between 30%-45% (dry incubation) throughout the incubation period. I locked down on day 14 (no more turning) being very careful to not jostle the eggs (I didn't even candle). I increased the humidity from 42% to 68%. On day 15 I increased it from 68% to 72%. I did not open the incubator during lockdown until earlier today when the chicks that had been born reached 24 hours in the incubator. When I did open it, it was just a crack and less than 30 seconds (I waited until they all piled to one side). The chicks having been born on the 17th day instead of the 18th day agrees with the incubator running 1/2 a degree warmer, or at least that is what I attribute it to.

All that to say that after all is said and done. No new hatches and 3 dead chicks who had pipped. I have another batch that should hatch soon (fingers crossed, the business I bought from wasn't sure they were fertilized) and I want to make sure I can rectify any mistakes. What do you think went wrong? Thoughts please.

Just in case anyone is wondering, they are still incubating.
You humidity at lockdown is a bit high in my experience. I do use higher humidity (60-65% at lockdown) now that I live at over 4000', but when I lived at sea level I got my best results at about 50-60% humidity at lockdown.

The chicks that pipped and then didn't hatch may have had a hard time positioning themselves if the humidity was too high.
You humidity at lockdown is a bit high in my experience. I do use higher humidity (60-65% at lockdown) now that I live at over 4000', but when I lived at sea level I got my best results at about 50-60% humidity at lockdown.

The chicks that pipped and then didn't hatch may have had a hard time positioning themselves if the humidity was too high.
Thanks. Awesome advice. I'll try this.
My first two hatches were in an NR360, I had some issues with the outer ring being significantly colder than the inner ring, slowed development, delayed hatching and possible embryonic death. The second batch I hand turned everything and shuffled eggs around in the incubator (and bought an external thermometer!) and had much better luck. Hope your next hatch goes better!

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