Incubator got unplugged for 9 hours 😭😭😭

So I just noticed that our incubator was off because the plug got bumped. When I checked the history of the temp sensor, it shows that it started dropping about 10 hours ago and was 75 degrees for the duration. We are on day 3. Will this be detrimental??? 😭😭😭
That early in incubation you should be ok, I would wait about week and candle and see how they are doing then.
Not necessarily. I recently set 11 eggs under a broody and on day 4 she got up off the nest for a few hours and wouldn’t sit back down so I had to move them under another broody. 9/11 eggs hatched, or 9/10 if you account for one of the eggs mysteriously disappearing. The 10th egg was infertile. Point is, there’s still a chance. I’ve hatched under worse circumstances, faulty incubators with bad temp/humidity, hens that got up for hours each day, letting the eggs go cold, ect.
They might just be a bit behind in development. If I were you, I’d leave them in the bator until day 7-10 and candle them. If there’s veining, they’re alive, if they’re clear, they’re not.
That early in the incubation I would expect a number of losses. They aren't producing any of their own heat yet which means being without heat for that long definitely would have affected them. How many eggs did you set? I'd just wait a couple days and then candle and see.

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