Incubators Anonymous

Started lockdown today! Trying not to get too excited this early :p

I checked the eggs
The dark spotted one and the blue one didn't seem as advanced even though it is day 19 I think because they were bigger.. I locked down the other 4. and I am going to put the other 2 in lockdown probably tomorrow. I have them in separate bators.
Who is the Good Shepherd?Anyway, my huge batch of eggs went into the hatcher today. Then I HAD to put three more trays of eggs x48 each in to the bator, because it looked too empty.
Yeah that is him! I got my EGGS TODAY!
Only 2 were broken.... one was not crushed it was cracked into just like you do when making eggs the other had a nice dent in it. I will candle them tomorrow and make sure not other cracks. Only one egg had egg on it. I figured since the box was leaking it was a lost cause.... but it was pretty good!

BTW I lost my Blue Copper Marans Roo today
I have back up roos so no loss of fertility on eggs but still he was pretty.

Who is the Good Shepherd?Anyway, my huge batch of eggs went into the hatcher today. Then I HAD to put three more trays of eggs x48 each in to the bator, because it looked too empty.

Haha... mine is not empty... in fact I will have to wait till tomorrow to set the GSBR eggs after I put some in lockdown....... uh oh... i have another 3-4 doz more coming too
breath..... you can candle between now and when they get here.... 3-4 days. OH... more will be in lockdown by then too
Must pace myself.... just didn't see all that coming

Must start selling chicks
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Well I have become the Crazy Chicken Lady of Claypool. I bought a Robert Bradley bator; as far as I can tell essentially the same as a FarmMaster; probably originally held 300=400 eggs. The bottom tray was modified with hatching baskets, so there is no room for a middle tray. Probably a good thing
Finally figured out how to run it and moved 10 buff orpington eggs over to it from a borrowed styrobator. They are due on Sat. I have had a bit of a time getting the humidity up, tho I think some of it may be that the wood is sucking some of it up. Humidity here at the moment is only about 16% (outside and in my house). I have shallow trays with sponges in the top and while when I first fill them it jumps to 31% in a couple hours it's down to 25% even tho most of the water is still there. I've just added a foam meat tray with water in it in the bottom, under the eggs, so maybe that will help. If I need to I"ll drape wet dish towels over the hatching baskets!

Still in the styrobator are 8 more BO and 7 Welsh Harelequin duck eggs. Collecting more duck eggs and some EE and OE this week. I have a feeling tho that it won't take too long before I've filled this bator up!

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