This hint of warm weather is really making me want to start getting the spring to do list done. But first we have to check and repair the netting from the last snow melting. When the snow melts on our large coop it falls onto the net. In the past it would nicely melt and by the time it got to the net it was water but this time the snow just slid from the roof and all that weight caused some damage to the net. It looks like I'm in the market for good but cheap zip ties again.
Well, I wish I had your reserve. I just came back from RK Shlbyville with six more (minimum purchase). I have four of what are very probably Dark Brahmas, one Jersey Giant and one miscellaneous red chick with chipmunk stripes and a red beak. I love Brahmas, and these chicks were especially fluffy and had very fluffy feet. I'm a sucker for it. And they're all Straight Run... something I said I would never buy. Dark Brahmas just aren't available any other way, I suppose. Pretty sure already one's a roo, but I kinda expect a high percentage of them. All $1.39 with a BOGO rebate.

I've wanted Jersey Giants since I first heard about them and have been in love with Dark Brahma hens since I laid eyes on pictures of one (never got to see one in the flesh... until hopefully now). Majority of them had bad cases of impacted vents (poor bitties were bleeding!), but they seem to be doing better now that I've unplugged them and set them to dry under the heat lamp.

I have them in the smaller brooder with two 3-wk-old chicks who are barely bigger than them (and aren't supposed to be bantams!) One of those is an Australorp; the other is supposed to be a Light Brahma. The Australorp finally seems to be gaining some weight/size, but the bitty Brahma is just lagging. It reminds me of my mille fleur D'uccle from last year, but isn't as domineering (lotta 'tude, though). Part of their issue is that they want to crowd in with the bigger chicks instead of under a heat lamp when they're cold, so I just don't think they're getting enough to eat or staying warm enough (which is why I've moved them).

Side note: I'm trying to get terra cotta pots painted for moms and grandmas for Mother's Day well in advance so I can get bulbs and seeds to sprout and be purdy in time. Mother-in-law loves roosters, so I decided to paint a Phoenix for her. The black stuff in front of him are his tail feathers which have trailed all along the bottom of the pot.

And after coloring...


This hint of warm weather is really making me want to start getting the spring to do list done. But first we have to check and repair the netting from the last snow melting. When the snow melts on our large coop it falls onto the net. In the past it would nicely melt and by the time it got to the net it was water but this time the snow just slid from the roof and all that weight caused some damage to the net. It looks like I'm in the market for good but cheap zip ties again.
Where would we be without zip ties and bungees?
Well, I wish I had your reserve. I just came back from RK Shlbyville with six more (minimum purchase). I have four of what are very probably Dark Brahmas, one Jersey Giant and one miscellaneous red chick with chipmunk stripes and a red beak. I love Brahmas, and these chicks were especially fluffy and had very fluffy feet. I'm a sucker for it. And they're all Straight Run... something I said I would never buy. Dark Brahmas just aren't available any other way, I suppose. Pretty sure already one's a roo, but I kinda expect a high percentage of them. All $1.39 with a BOGO rebate.

I've wanted Jersey Giants since I first heard about them and have been in love with Dark Brahma hens since I laid eyes on pictures of one (never got to see one in the flesh... until hopefully now). Majority of them had bad cases of impacted vents (poor bitties were bleeding!), but they seem to be doing better now that I've unplugged them and set them to dry under the heat lamp.

I have them in the smaller brooder with two 3-wk-old chicks who are barely bigger than them (and aren't supposed to be bantams!) One of those is an Australorp; the other is supposed to be a Light Brahma. The Australorp finally seems to be gaining some weight/size, but the bitty Brahma is just lagging. It reminds me of my mille fleur D'uccle from last year, but isn't as domineering (lotta 'tude, though). Part of their issue is that they want to crowd in with the bigger chicks instead of under a heat lamp when they're cold, so I just don't think they're getting enough to eat or staying warm enough (which is why I've moved them).

Side note: I'm trying to get terra cotta pots painted for moms and grandmas for Mother's Day well in advance so I can get bulbs and seeds to sprout and be purdy in time. Mother-in-law loves roosters, so I decided to paint a Phoenix for her. The black stuff in front of him are his tail feathers which have trailed all along the bottom of the pot.

And after coloring...

If you want to get a good look at some Dark Brahma's and some Jersey Giants, I have two adult DB hens, one Black JG hen and one Splash JG hen. And I'm just on the outskirts of Indy. I just love the really big chickens!!!
So I had a pair of Bantam cochins shipped to me on Monday. They still haven't arrived
. I just woke up from a pretty funny and odd dream and decides to check tracking again. They had just arrived and left indy! I am very nervous to go to PO and open this box. I really hope they made it! So much for their Express mail!

Quote: Me too! coops will be getting redone, sheds moved. DH is plugging away on coop plans, hope to get lumber tomorrow. I want to be able to leave overnight and know they have plenty of fresh water and food in case of emergencies. enough room they can be penned a day and be comfortable.

Quote: I picked up 2 gallons last fall on a clearance rack.. finally may get to use it!
just picked them up and other than thirsty and hungry, arrived in good shape!

Wonderful news!
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who chimed in to answer my "chicks from different places" question. I appreciate the input. I just had a friend whose hubby was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Devastating, shocking, and I just have not been able to find the time to respond.

I would say I am getting buying form 2 reputable breeders - kittydoc is one of them, the other lady is the one with the rare breeds in Groveland. She is NPIP certified. I've had some long conversations with her and am confident she is a good choice. She really loves her birds and is not just in the breeding business to make money, she really loves it.

It's the last ones, the ones from RK - the sexed EEs I want to get that are the bigger ??? since they are hatchery. So I guess I will keep them separate for a week or so to make sure they are doing okay b4 I integrate into the other LF chicks. I will probably get them at least a week or so apart too. I know that the ones from Groveland will be at least 2 weeks later, she won't have chicks till end of March beginning of April. We'll see how it all works out b/c I can see Brad's point on several intros of new chicks could stress them out.

New birds, new coop, lots of new things for the birds this Spring!

A little add on to the geese as guard birds from a week ago. It turns out that Alpacas make good predator prevention. My best friend sold her herd this fall and since has lost almost all her birds. They shared a barn and field and the Alpacas kept the predators away. They had over 30 and are down to 3. They are bringing those 3 into the garage at dusk. Unfortunately it's the kids who keep finding the mangled birds.
They do, I kept 2 boys for about a year. We went thru annexation here and were not able to keep them and cows also, too many animals per acre etc. They were very good around all my birds.
morning every...collecting eggs for the byc easter hatch...and incoming eggs should be here this the cabinet incubator will be full oh boy 200 eggs...this will get interesting
Would like a second opinion. Is this egg fertile or not? The egg spot's not solid, bright white like most infertile eggs, but I can't see a clear ring either.


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