Indiana Chicken People (list)

Hi, my name is Janet, I'm in Peru (north central Indiana). I would like to be added to your list please. I will check my avatar to be sure my location is listed.
use to live up at Walton been to Peru a few times

I love Walton, it's seems like such a lovely little town. We used to go there for ice cream all the time, but haven't in a long time.
What chickens do you have? I would love to be able to interact with someone nearby that has chickens, compare notes, learn from and what not. Some days I feel so worried that I'm going to fail, other days, I feel like we are doing g ok and I just thoroughly enjoy my feathered kids,

After years of wanting, saying, and contemplating the city ordinance against chickens, we finally got three fluffy babies June 16th. Though I tried to get the process started before we got them, my builders are finally in process (older son and hubby). It is Summer, and they have a good yard, so we're managing okay, and they should have their coop inside an existing kennel by September for sure. We've been bringing them inside at night, but it just occurred to me, from a forum post here, that we could take their dog cage outside now, shelter it, and shut them in that at night.

Over the past few years, I had noticed and talked to a few people who have chickens in town, one across the street from the police station. As we finally dug in, I checked online, as I had easily found it before, and I am glad to say that it appears our town has dropped anything specifically about chickens, since nuisance and roaming animal laws will cover anyone not taking good care. State law already says no roosters. That's a bit of a relief.

I have been reading here for a few months and decided I should join up, since we are among your ranks for real.

Bluffton, south of Ft. Wayne, by the way.
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