Indiana & Surrounding BYC Meetup August 1st, 2009

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Looks like you all had a fantastic time! I'm grabbing some fabulous ideas from your posts and pics. The Bay Area CA is just getting started on this Chickenstock thing, but with models like this, we should grow up just fine!
(note to self: pinata for the kids, cheesecake and stuffed jalapenos next year...)
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I missed out on the fudge, and the cheesecake, and even the jalapenos
I was too busy chasing my kid around, making sure he wasn't letting all of Kathleen's animals loose!
I made the apple cheesecake, that was in the cake pan? I didn't even get to try it!!
Oh well, I'll have to make another one, my son was looking forward to it...

We had a blast, and Cristian didn't wake up until about 10 am, so he must have had a good time!! It was great to meet you all, we'll have to have a get-together down here and have you all come see us!!
I sure hope she gets better soon!

I found the little black one I got from you, all snuggled up under my blue girl that I left at home.
BTW-here she is:

How do you like her, Shelley? I am hoping to have a few more next year-and maybe some eggs, too! Is it just me, or were the Silkies the most sought after birds yesterday? I know I had a dozen people interested in mine, and they seemed like they were the first to go if they weren't spoken for in advance-which mine all were!
Egg newton-congratulations on the winning pies! I didn't even get to try them-there was so much food!
I can't wait till next year!!!
I'm looking for the lady who had the wonderful four childen. I remember there was a spirited blonde, the sweet Elle, and a younger girl and boy. Elle was telling me you caponize your own roos. I would be interested in learing more about the procedure.
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Ok everyone, Miss_Jayne and RIck have finally made their way back to Michigan, we were so sad to see them go. We had actually tried to show them the canal downtown but got seperated
(Sorry guys!) They did however, get a chance to visit Attack Chicken and Kernal!
Now, I have finally gotten a chance to really sit down and read all of the nice comments and compliments. Thank you all so much for suce a wonderful day! If it were not for all of you wonderful people the day could not have been a success. Thank you also for all your hard work and help and the pitch-in attitude! We are so blessed to have met you all.
A few highlights from the day, or at least what I can remember from the whole whirlwind of chicken frenzy...
Several Chicken Runs...It was so funny to see all the chickens that got lose on Saturday and everyone scrambling to catch them. Poor chicken_china_mom's EE roo is still MIA, hope we find the poor guy!
Babymakes5's cake...Wow, what a tasty work of art!
Food...Well, lets' just say, if you left hungry, you must have been on a diet!
Chicken Pinata...Rob was able to be a boy again, climbing up that big tree to hang our pinata. The kids really had a great time trying to get to all the goddies inside. I agree with the point that it must have been made with Kevlar! Thanks Carole!
Prizes...I had several games planned and tons of prizes to offer but it just seemed like everyone was having such a great time mingeling, talking chickens, eating, and playing that I just decided to have several rounds of random prize giveaways! We did have the auction which turned out well. A big thanks to Ed (92Caddy) and Greg for all they did to put that together and for helping with all the giveaway stuff!! The American Cancer Society will be receiving over $130 from all that sold. Thanks EVERYONE!
Hidden Fudge...Somehow, MJ's fudge was left in the fridge and we found it late last night, sorry guys!
Beauties...All the chicken's, bunnies, and quail were all so beautiful, I hope everyone was successful in their swaps.
Waterers...I just wanted to say that the watering systems that people brought to sell were amazing! (I forgot to get one ;( )
Cooking...Thank you to all that helped with food prep, helping with the setup, everyone that brought food and a big thanks to Stan (addiedunn's DH) from Rob for helping with the grill work!
Clean-up...Thank you everyone for all you help with keeping our place clean and for all the help with the cleanup! Also, my neighbor is happy to report that his field was left in great shape and he thanks you too!
Everyone...I know I met and chatted with just about all of you, if I didn't mention you, it doesn't mean you are less important, it was a pleasure to meet you all and I wish I could have spent more time with each and every one of you! We are pround to call you ALL our BYC/Chicken Family!!
My mom & dad...They don't read BYC, but they were such a big help! I couldn't have pulled this off without them. I want to let you all know that they had such a great time and thank you everyone for showing them such kindness!!
MJ & Rick...Thank you both for all your hard work and help. The face painting was well received by the kids and kids at heart!
Pics...Here is a link to all of the pics I was able to take, I wish it had been more but I was running around like a chicken with it's...well you know
hmm.png 2009/?start=20
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