Infection or virus?

Sorry that you are having so many problems with them. Fowl pox is a virus, and it doesn’t respond to antibiotics. Strep is present on the skin. Amoxicillin is usually given for 7 days. If the problem keeps on, it may be viral. Are you seeing any with yellow lesions or patches inside the beak and throat? That could be wet pox, a much more serious case of fowl pox. Supportive care, helping them to eat and drink is the most you can do. Can you try to keep the mosquitoes away from the flock with a spray or screens to keep it from spreading to more?
Thank you so much for the reply, one has dry pox, no respiratory symptoms, but she has been the most sick, sleeping a lot, one eye permanently closed and not eating, the other doesn’t have pox but has awful respiratory issues.
I can’t see any lesions in the mouth or beak.
The funny thing is we have pretty much no mosquito here.
I am assist feeding every few hours through the day and they are in a dog cage in my kitchen 🙄
So as a last resort as they were so sick I restarted the penicillin last night (they have just had the third dose), after the second dose they were massively improved, alert, eating, moving about and limited respiratory noise, so I’m continuing with it, I know it’s not usual to do such a long course, but the change is amazing.
I'm very sorry.
If there is an underlying respiratory virus involved (not sure anything has been really ruled out??) it can weaken their immune systems and make them more susceptible to all kinds of things. Some of those virus's are chronic and symptoms recur during times of stress, they are not cured, just symptoms treated. If you do end up losing one, I would recommend you have it necropsied. That may be the best way to determine all that may be going on, and may point to the best treatment options for the rest of the flock. Not sure what resources for that are available where you are. I would hesitate to recommend trying other medications without knowing more, it could just cause you more problems.
Thank you, yes, I think it’s viral and I think there are probably multiple things going on, nothing has been ruled out, and in terms of necropsy, I have no idea what is available here in Portugal (only moved here two years ago).
As restarting the amoxicillin clavanete has made a big difference in 24 hours I’m going to continue with it until they seem more well.
I’m also nebulising the two in the house and two other sick point of lay who are showing the same symptoms, I’m using F10 which is an avian disinfectant similar to oxine, I had been using an anti fungal, but I think the F10 is probably going to cover a broader base of bacteria and fungus.
I'm glad the amoxicillin is helping. It's usually well tolerated, I have on occasion given higher doses and not had an issue. If it seems to be helping, then that is what I would do.

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