Ok so I have 2 roosters and 13 hens that have been together for well over a year. I have have not seen many fertilized eggs but I am trying to incubate 25 eggs. First candling I could only see about 5 that had the little eyeball and some really hard to see veins (day6). My head rooster is at least 2.5 years old and my other is just over a year. They both breed them daily. I only really started seeing fertilized eggs after my young roo started breeding. But with 2 rooster how am I not getting piles of fertile eggs? I saw something about trimming butt fluff on everyone including the rooster to help with “contact”. My girls do have extremely fluffy butts and I just trimmed a bunch of them because of some poopy feathers but never did the boys. Any other advise or insight?? Here are a few pics for reference. Cinnamon Queens, blue marans, olive eggers, SLW, and Ayam Cemani hens.