Injured duck off nest - can we take the eggs?


7 Years
Mar 1, 2017
Our duck got attacked by a dog this morning. We cleaned the wound, put wound spray on it, and triple antibiotic cream. We’ve separated her and given her water. She was sitting on a nest for about two weeks. This is her second nest this summer. The first one failed. Can we take her eggs and incubate them?
Our duck got attacked by a dog this morning. We cleaned the wound, put wound spray on it, and triple antibiotic cream. We’ve separated her and given her water. She was sitting on a nest for about two weeks. This is her second nest this summer. The first one failed. Can we take her eggs and incubate them?
Yes you should try
So we brought the eggs in and put them in our incubator. It seems like many are at different stages. We are terrible at candling and trying to figure out if they’re viable. Some of the eggs are grey - are they rotten?

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