Injured top beak, Help!

Sep 24, 2024
Help! The thunderstorm today spooked my 10 week old silkie and they damaged their beak.

The tip of the beak is not completely off, but it is exposing the fleshy part of the skin and bleeding. I tried to give her soaked feed the consistency of mash and on her first bite her mouth filled with blood. It looks like part of the beak is exposed or hanging down on the inside of her mouth, and that is what keeps bleeding.

So far, I’ve sprayed the beak with vetericyn and she has no interest in eating or drinking for the last several hours.

Any recommendations on what I should do for her? Especially the exposed of flesh in her mouth?
Since it happened today I wouldn’t expect her to eat right away. From the picture her eyes look bright and she looks alert, is she lethargic at all, and how much pain does she seem to be in? Do you know if she can still open and close her beak? I’d try to during water by her mouth or get it in somehow, especially if her beak is in too bad of shape to drink herself. Let us know how she’s doing especially if she gets worse.
Since it happened today I wouldn’t expect her to eat right away. From the picture her eyes look bright and she looks alert, is she lethargic at all, and how much pain does she seem to be in? Do you know if she can still open and close her beak? I’d try to during water by her mouth or get it in somehow, especially if her beak is in too bad of shape to drink herself. Let us know how she’s doing especially if she gets worse.
Thank you! I was able to give her some electrolyte water with a dropper. Still not interested in mush but I’ll try in the morning and keep you updated. Thank you so much
That one doesn't look repairable, likely she will hit it and the broken piece will fall on off. Give it a day or two and see. If not, you may have to trim that piece off like you would a hang nail.

Yes, she's going to be sore, the beak has a not of nerves (like your nail) and there's a quick under there, but it will harden up and the beak will slowly grow over time.

Keep her hydrated, if she can drink on her own that's great, if not, keep getting fluids into her.

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