Integrating chickens and ducks to coop;


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2024
Hey yall,
As I mentioned in my intro thread, I've raised chickens before, but not ducks. They'll all be coop ready within the next few weeks, so I have been slowly introducing them to one another. I have had them outside together in the yard, but they haven't really paid mind to one another.

However, when we go back to the kennel/brooders, and they see one another, the ducks get kinda snippy with the chickens. (Not necessarily in a violent manner, but more as a "back up, this is my kennel" attitude).

I know they've just gotta keep seeing one another, so obviously outside time together will be continuous. I'm also taking the insulated walls out of the kennels so theyll be able to see/watch each other. Any other advice?

Coop size is 12x6 shed attached to an 10x6 run, so 132sq ft all together, so they will have sprawling room when together. (If that matters).

Appreciate all advice!
I think you've got the right idea already. More time to see but not touch in close quarters is probably the best way to get them used to each other for sharing the coop. If they already ignore each other outside then you're half way there!

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