1) Do you prefer to keep them on wire or bedding (especially really cold weather, as I live in Maine)? I prefer wire, keeps em cleaner. We have a fairly cold climate, and they do fine, but the wire is enclosed to the ground so they don't get too cold.
2) Is it possible to only keep like 1 male and 4-6 females or would it be more wise to keep lots? Yup, that is a good ratio for fertility vs. picking. I like it.
3) What would be the best size house/cage (attached together) to keep the number that I want to? I understand the 1 sq ft per bird but is this accurate? And is that 1 sq ft per bird in the run, in the coop, or both? Most people don't do a coop/run, but for mine, I just assume 1 sq ft per bird total, with the run being large enough to accomodate them all in small lots at a time. (I dare to be different in letting them outside.
4) At what age do you switch from the Medicated Game Bird Starter to Regular Game Bird Feed? Is this a trick question?
Please, don't use medicated gamebird food for ANY quail. It screws up their liver, messes up fertility, and more.
5) Is there a light that you use to keep them laying? I have heard of using christmas lights? I use flueroscents when they get to be laying low, but christmas lights do work, especially LED versions.
6) Do you usually loose chicks when they are small or are they fairly hardy chicks? I prepare for one or two casualties per batch, just for incubation errors, my errors, or the chicks being suicidal.
Hope this helps, happy hatching!
2) Is it possible to only keep like 1 male and 4-6 females or would it be more wise to keep lots? Yup, that is a good ratio for fertility vs. picking. I like it.

3) What would be the best size house/cage (attached together) to keep the number that I want to? I understand the 1 sq ft per bird but is this accurate? And is that 1 sq ft per bird in the run, in the coop, or both? Most people don't do a coop/run, but for mine, I just assume 1 sq ft per bird total, with the run being large enough to accomodate them all in small lots at a time. (I dare to be different in letting them outside.

4) At what age do you switch from the Medicated Game Bird Starter to Regular Game Bird Feed? Is this a trick question?

5) Is there a light that you use to keep them laying? I have heard of using christmas lights? I use flueroscents when they get to be laying low, but christmas lights do work, especially LED versions.
6) Do you usually loose chicks when they are small or are they fairly hardy chicks? I prepare for one or two casualties per batch, just for incubation errors, my errors, or the chicks being suicidal.
Hope this helps, happy hatching!