I have never butchered in front of my chickens before. It just seems disrespectful, so I usually do it at night. I have no one to help, so I have to do it by myself and doing it at night in the cold was a little much the other night.
So this afternoon I fed them and then started working. Within minutes they were all standing there, silently watching. Not like they were waiting for food. This watching was different. Like they understood.
Then one of the roosters did his alarm call, the others echoed it, the hens scattered. The yard was utterly silent until I had bagged the bird and started cleaning up.
Another next weekend, and then I have two hens that need to go. It'll be interesting to see if they do the same thing, or if they just decide to ignore it.
So this afternoon I fed them and then started working. Within minutes they were all standing there, silently watching. Not like they were waiting for food. This watching was different. Like they understood.
Then one of the roosters did his alarm call, the others echoed it, the hens scattered. The yard was utterly silent until I had bagged the bird and started cleaning up.
Another next weekend, and then I have two hens that need to go. It'll be interesting to see if they do the same thing, or if they just decide to ignore it.