Interesting reply from the makers of Elector PSP


8 Years
Oct 18, 2015
SE Kansas
Sometimes it seems as if mites are really attracted to a certain chicken and really infests them. When that happens, I will just fill my laundry sink with water and Elector and just dip them so I can make sure to cover every inch of them as the freaking mites are just all over their body.
So I reached out to the makers of Elector because I had questions as to whether that was safe, if Elector killed mites on contact because sometimes there were still live mites on them, how often it could be reapplied, etc.
They responded pretty quick but their response surprised me. They said Elector was not meant for use on poultry. Only meant to be used to apply to poultry housing.
I know I first heard about using Elector on chickens thru Kathy, The Chicken Chick. She promotes it on her website. So how did it come about that people started apply it directly to poultry when the manufacturer states it should only be used on poultry housing.
Someone posted online that it could be used directly on birds, and much of the community took that as fact. "If it's on the internet, it must be true."
Well it seems like quite a few people use it with no ill effects. I know I’ve been using it for about 3 years and have never had a problem. And it’s not a chemical so I feel much better using that than ivermectin or other chemicals. And I did have a chicken once that almost died from me using ivermectin on. But I just wonder how it became to be that people started using it.
Since The Chicken Chick is connected with a poultry vet, she likely got sound information from him that, when diluted properly, it could be applied directly to chickens. A lot of things are used "off-label" in the chickening world.

It could also be that whoever replied to your inquiry didn't know what they were talking about...

This is directly from the Elector PSP bottle directions:


It reads, "Apply ...directed toward the vent area..."
The Chicken Chick
She got her start right here on BYC. Nothing against her at all but she's human and what she says is not necessarily end all, be all. There are incredibly knowledgeable people right here as well as people with Small and Large Vet certs. I prefer to consult the advice of many as opposed to one. Just me....
She got her start right here on BYC. Nothing against her at all but she's human and what she says is not necessarily end all, be all. There are incredibly knowledgeable people right here as well as people with Small and Large Vet certs. I prefer to consult the advice of many as opposed to one. Just me....
I agree :). I was just noting that Kathy does have a professional relationship with a poultry vet (as well as her own personal, anecdotal experience of many years).

However, I also posted the actual directions from the bottle of Elector PSP that I own, so I would hope that the instructions on the product itself could be trusted. The representative who responded to OP's email inquiry may not have been clear on all of the directions for all of the different uses (a lot of the applications are indicated ONLY for housing, but poultry mites are one of the exceptions). 🐔

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