International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

My Birchen layed this egg yesterday. I would not have expected that from such young birds.

Alright. So focus on tails. Do you have any examples of a nice tail, or anyone else you know of?
Does Shazia have a correct tail that we should try to recreate?
If she crosses with Day Walker, who has a higher tail I think, will that start causing problems?
And I can never remember, which parent passes on the body frame and which passes on the color?
Since Day Walker has a higher tail, should we try to find lower tailed hens?
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I ll post some photos about the correct marans tails .hens and roosters.

the Tail is inherited from both parent ,it is regulated by the Autosome genes , so if we have one chooks with a correct tail ,we need to produce progeny from this bird and mate his or her progeny back to it .

Back crossing is the Key to fix any trait or get ready of any fault .
crossing the progeny back to the correct Dam or Sire to reinforce the traits we are trying to fix.

chooks man
@Chooks man congrats! I can't wait to see the photos.

thank you my friend .

I spent all the day today building the coop for them and putting the wind break cloth over the fencing .

they like they new pen .a lot green grass .

some thing those chooks really stand for is they correct combs . every one of them has a good comb . less work for me to do .

I took a lot photos today .I ll post them tomorrow .

chooks man

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