International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

I believe (though I don’t know eye genetics in chickens) that eye colour is similar to variation in the shade of brown eyes in people, controlled by many genes. Unlike blue vs brown which is one gene, the variation in shade is more complex. A bit like egg shade colour etc.

So I assume it’s good old fashioned selective breeding, culling bad progeny and keeping those with correct red/orange eyes.
Someone correct this if it’s wrong.
Also would like to add that this would not imply avoiding these parents which throw both colours altogether, but aiming to replaced them when it seems sensible with a correctly coloured replacement bred from two correctly coloured parents.

I’d be interested in seeing what percentage from each crossing had dark eyes, to try and see if there is a single gene or at least understandable set of genes responsible.
Here's one from Betty (B-1). 3 total from her + 2 more at POL- 20 weeks old...All 3 of Betty's have varying degrees of mossy but only 2 have dark eyes. When I get pics up for selection unless we see something that stands out I'll sell them.

Keep in mind I have 19 more that are younger than these + 6 eggs that just started hatching. I need to fix type, leg spacing and darken the eggs.
Y'all are welcome to come visit, I will have to start the bigg culling of the roosters soon, and it will wrap up in November so I don't have as many mouths to feed when the snow gets deep and I have to actually feed them without access to forage... Until then there are a lot of boys available. I am actually out of marans pullets and hens, they sold like hotcakes this year, but there are always soooooo many males. I set up the breeding pens after the culling and the hatchery gets turned on in December. Dear Husband says to cool it on hatching for next year, people's disposable income has taken a hit in the last few years, so sales are down overall. Weather here USUALLY holds through September, but first frost often happens by September. Sometimes first frost has been as late as November, but you just don't know. By December, it starts getting iffy to travel the passes, though.
Y'all are welcome to come visit, I will have to start the bigg culling of the roosters soon, and it will wrap up in November so I don't have as many mouths to feed when the snow gets deep and I have to actually feed them without access to forage... Until then there are a lot of boys available. I am actually out of marans pullets and hens, they sold like hotcakes this year, but there are always soooooo many males. I set up the breeding pens after the culling and the hatchery gets turned on in December. Dear Husband says to cool it on hatching for next year, people's disposable income has taken a hit in the last few years, so sales are down overall. Weather here USUALLY holds through September, but first frost often happens by September. Sometimes first frost has been as late as November, but you just don't know. By December, it starts getting iffy to travel the passes, though.

I am stuck with ducklings as august is a holyday month and when people return they have no money. some people call and say they'll call back when they get paid in september. I'm running out of space besides the feeding.
Y'all are welcome to come visit, I will have to start the bigg culling of the roosters soon, and it will wrap up in November so I don't have as many mouths to feed when the snow gets deep and I have to actually feed them without access to forage... Until then there are a lot of boys available. I am actually out of marans pullets and hens, they sold like hotcakes this year, but there are always soooooo many males. I set up the breeding pens after the culling and the hatchery gets turned on in December. Dear Husband says to cool it on hatching for next year, people's disposable income has taken a hit in the last few years, so sales are down overall. Weather here USUALLY holds through September, but first frost often happens by September. Sometimes first frost has been as late as November, but you just don't know. By December, it starts getting iffy to travel the passes, though.
That's exciting you had good sales.. if you need eggs to replenish I can help but it'll be awhile, and multiple shipments with only the one pullet. And then there's that whole White male x Black Silver to consider. But I'm here for you if you need it...👍🤗🤣

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