International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Thank you.
I have seen it before, on the marans club of USA website, but haven’t read it as much as the English standard. The Marans club of Great Britain actually redirects you to the French website if you press on the French standards page, but their colours are a little different.
I find it a bit more complex than the English type (not a complaint), I just prefer reading the hardback book I have of the British Poultry Standards.
This guy is superb. Lovely low tail, legs well apart and great type. Notice how his body is long and the same depth all along his back. His rear is a tad narrower but it’s a clear improvement from the original stock.

His legs are heavily feathered but his middle toes are clean, so no fault with this. The over coloured breast is fixed, almost all black. I’m a fan of his leg colouration, bold pink legs with nice and neat slate shading.

Comb is also neat, not perfect at the back but really nice serrations (notice how they are clear straight triangles rather than convex like the other one’s). Six serrations too, right in the middle of the sweet spot (5-7).

And of course he has inherited the top quality copper colour from your line, perfect. 😍

He’s my favourite so far, though maybe I’m missing some others.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my boys. I'm super excited to finally have one so far that I can work with. Now comes all the questions that are running thru my head on who to pair him with.

Obviously I need another hatch or 2 set up with Kong x Momma to get more boys.
This leads me to trying to figure out who Momma's Dam is. King is her sire.
The 3 possible hens are Joannie, Jett and Betty. I've hatched from Joannie ( V type boys) and Betty (mossy over colored boys). I hatched 2 from Jett last year but neither survived. So this makes me definitely wanting to do another hatch with her to see what progeny she produces if she's Mommas Dam. Jett is a chunky girl so she could have passed good type down to Momma, correct?

So then I need to backcross yellow/orange to Momma.
After that I don't know where to go after that (I'll need to post pics of more girls for that) but I'm assuming now if Jett is indeed her Dam I would want to backcross him to her also?

Oh what fun !!
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Thank you for taking the time to look at my boys. I'm super excited to finally have one so far that I can work with. Now comes all the questions that are running thru my head on who to pair him with.

Obviously I need another hatch or 2 set up with Kong x Momma to get more boys.
This leads me to trying to figure out who Momma's Dam is. King is her sire.
The 3 possible hens are Joannie, Jett and Betty. I've hatched from Joannie ( V type boys) and Betty (mossy over colored boys). I hatched 2 from Jett last year but neither survived. So this makes me definitely wanting to do another hatch with her to see what progeny she produces if she's Mommas Dam. Jett is a chunky girl so she could have passed good type down to Momma.

So then I need to backcross yellow/orange to Momma.
After that I don't know where to go after that (I'll need to post pics of more girls for that) but I'm assuming now if Jett is indeed her Dam I would want to backcross him to her also?

Oh what fun !!
I hope all that made a little sense, I tried to be as thorough as possible.
This explains inexperience and the importance of tracking our birds and eggs in breeding. Hopefully I can find Mommas Dam fairly easy only having 3 hens as F0 parent stock.
I hope all that made a little sense, I tried to be as thorough as possible.
This explains inexperience and the importance of tracking our birds and eggs in breeding. Hopefully I can find Mommas Dam fairly easy only having 3 hens as F0 parent stock.
It would be difficult to know for sure but you seem to have a good idea of who produces what kind of progeny, you know them best so you’re guess is the best. I usually get a gut feeling of who a chicken may be the offspring of, usually something in the type, face or comb gives it away. If the other two are consistently giving a different outcome, then by process of elimination Jett is the likely option (but maybe further hatched will reveal different).

If they have good type, there is no reason not to back cross, even if it turns out they aren’t related, you’re still breeding good type together.

I know this doesn’t add a lot of information, it’s more of a ‘trust your judgement’ message.

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