Intro plus late incubating bloomer advice.


In the Brooder
Mar 8, 2025
southern NSW Australia
Hi, My name is Lauren. We had chickens on the farm when i was younger, but ive decided to incubate some as pets and so my kelpie has been here for the whole incubation process, and as i had hoped, shes taken to them like a duck to water

. Two days ago my incubated eggs started hatching. I had culled 3/12, 2 no developement and one a blood ring around day one. I've had 6 successfully hatch with only one assist. I have 3 eggs left in the incubator and my last two that hatched will be 24hrs old in an hour. The chickens are from olive egger lines with a lot of barnivelder in them and they were crossed back to a barnivelder Roo. The eggs I have left are 5, 6, 8 and any advice would be appreciated.
5- large olive egg with dark speckles.
- On candling can see movement but aircell almost looks slightly smaller than when I marked it on day 18. Chick does not fill entire egg but def has claws. We commence day 23 in an hour.
6- large dark cream egg with brown speckles.
- On candling can see movement but decreased comparing to day 18. Still has good aircell, chick fills more of the shell than 5 but still doesn't take entire egg.
8- large olive egg with dark speckles. I've kept this egg in the incubator that despite investing in a better candler I can still only just make out an aircell on this egg and can see nothing.

So day 23 commencing in an hour. All 3 eggs and two culled ones share in common that they were all around the 60g mark, the range between egg sizes of the 12 total eggs was 41-61g. One olive egg was also that size and was my second to hatch on day 19.

The 3 culled ones, one bright white elongated one and an olive showed no signs of developement. One cream had a blood ring and no further developement after day 1.

Incubated to day 16 in a janoel 8-48 then switched to a janoel 24 for hatching. Incubated at 45% humidity and temps ranging from 37.5-38.1 in the 8-48, then at day 16 switched to the janoel 24. Humidity 50% temp 37.5-37.8. Humidity increased to 70% day 18 and stable scince. The 6 that have hatched day 19 0300, 0445, 0930, 1200, 2130 then the last one at 2330, day 20 had kicked in at 2230.

Is there anything I can do for these last 3 or just continue to be patient?
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

I have never used an artificial incubator to hatch chicks. But I would just wait another day to see what happens with the remaining eggs. Sometimes variations in the hatching parameters in an incubator can slightly slow down the development of the chick.
Hello Lauren :frow Welcome to BYC we're happy to have you here in this poultry loving community!:welcome

As long as you're still seeing signs of life give them more time. They may have been in a cooler spot in the incubator. I've had up to a 4 day difference in between the first and the last chick to hatch! Congratulations on the successful hatch of your first 6! Crossing my fingers and sending hatching vibes to your last 3:fl:jumpy

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